Thursday, February 10, 2011

Phooey... Not All Life Insurance Requires Exams

Many people are set on a long exam is required for life insurance. This is untrue, and select policies are developed to go through a question and answer period where it's required for you to answer questions honestly. Depending on the policy program and your life insurance broker or company. You may find an policy without even needing an exam.

Unfortunately, when I read articles like the one below. The word gets out to smokers, people with prior medical conditions, etc. That they cannot receive life insurance. This is false and don't believe for a second that all life insurance policies need you to go thru an exam like the article I am quoting below.

Feel free to read the post which gives life insurance prospects false hope.

If you're considering life insurance, you may find that a paramedic examination is required prior to purchasing in order to determine your insurability.

For many, this is a daunting task. Not only do you need a physical, but your results will be analyzed and shared with a third party (your insurance company). The good news is that a paramedic exam is usually quick and easy, and there are ways to prepare to help you present your best picture of health.

Know how it works and what matters
Insurance companies outsource the physical examination to paramedic examiners in your area who will call to arrange the examination as soon as you apply for life insurance. The paramedic examiner meets you in a location of your choosing, completes the exam and then reports back their findings to the insurance company. The exact measures of your exam will depend upon your age, past health history, family history and the amount of insurance coverage you're applying for.

During the exam, the paramedic may:
* Draw blood from your arm.
* Collect a urine sample.
* Determine your height and weight.
* Check your pulse and blood pressure.
* Complete an EKG (electrocardiogram).

Read the rest of the article here...


Don't think for a second you will need a long exam to get things approved. Yes, their is an exam, but it depends on your life policy provider. They will ask you select questions and you will answer them honestly in order to get approved. But the times are changing and people are getting approved right from their homes right on the phone. Yep, simple, fast and efficient life insurance. You got to love technology.

Action Steps I Recommend You Take:

Visit me on facebook and get the scoop on how the "Ultra Rich" leverage life insurance.

You will surprised on how these wealthy folks have used life policies for tax free retirement and even turn their life insurance into their own bank.

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