Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life Insurance Can Be About You... And Your Family

I came across a news article stating life insurance is not about you. Yes, while some life insurances are not about ourselves. Their are other life insurance policies that most Americans are not sure of and how to leverage. What I mean by this is...

Depending on your preference, you can have your family get paid while alive or after you pass. In fact some life insurances will pay you month after month. And these same life insurance are also used as banks. Yep... you can have your own bank.

Read more on this infinite banking concept.

But first, I would recommend you educate yourself on the different types of life insurances. If your looking for a cheap life insurance quote. That is fine, just understand what your getting. So I wanted to post this article below:


Your Life Insurance Is Not About You

If you have a spouse or children, it’s time to consider a life insurance policy.

Life insurance policies can be complicated at best, unintelligible at worst.

Insurance companies are regulated on a state basis, which makes for different rules and regulations and more difficult comparisons.

A lot of people don't pay much attention to them because they get free or low-cost coverage through their employer. That's fine until you become unemployed or self employed and your insurance policy disappears.

So, here’s what you’ll need to know to get what you need to protect your loved ones, and avoid spending too much.

Term Vs. Whole

There are two basic types of life insurance: term and whole.

A useful analogy to explain the difference is buying versus renting. With term life insurance, you’re renting. It’s never really yours, and eventually your lease is up.

In contrast, you own a whole-life insurance policy, because the original policy amount must be returned to you. The monthly premiums are higher, but the money goes into a fund that grows over time. (For the cash-strapped or thrifty, there is a poor man's version called Universal life.)

The large majority of insurance policies are term-life. You pay for a certain number of years (20, 30, 40) for a certain amount of coverage $100, 000, $500,000, $ 1 million) and only received the benefit if you die while the policy is in place.

Whole life can be seen as a combination of insurance and investment.

Insurance specialist David Eidlitz of Northwestern Mutual recommends whole life policies simply because they are permanent.

“On a permanent whole life policy, you are investing into the general fund of the investment company. Once the money is there, it is no longer subject to risk. The mutual companies are owned by the policyholders, and they are not public. Given that there are no stockholders, mutual companies can hold their bonds to maturity,” he says.
Read more on term vs. whole here

If you would like to learn how the ultra wealthy are using their life insurance to get paid monthly. Then check out my Facebook page where I share a lot of their secrets.

You don't need to be super wealthy to secure your future with life insurance. You just need to be educated.

Find out how the ultra rich use cheap life insurance to get paid month after month.

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